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We had the chance to check out and spin a few in the Mystic Wolf release a while ago, and our take is that the studio took a huge step forward regarding the appearance of the Mythic Wolf Sacred Moon online slot. This is definitely not the first time the provider decided to pay extra attention to all that covers and symbolizes wolves. On the other hand, the majority of highly experienced players might just stay away from the same due to the RTP of 94,91%.Īnyhow, let’s give this online one-armed bandit a go and see how it ends, shall we? Theme and Symbols What you should know and expect is that Rival casino provider made sure to spice things up with a couple of extras throughout the game. If you think you have what it takes to become a part of the pack and dance with the wolves, stick around. As the full moon rises on the horizon, the pack howls for epic wins in the Mythic Wolf Sacred Moon online slot.

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